Tuesday, July 5, 2016

If the product was limited why choosing heavily industries?

If the product was limited why choosing heavily industries? This question occur when the origin country of brand diecast doesn't produce the diecast in their home country anymore. Instead they are all know choosing China for mass production. But why? The product itself often produced below 3000 and 4000 pieces per 1 model diecast, because they said it in the diecast box about limited pieces or even limited edition. 

Does it really not efficient anymore? To be honest now there are still large number market of people that want diecast from the origin country not from China. Made in Japan is one of the brand that people are still looking for. Off course if there are any made in Europe or US.

Company like TOMY/TOMICA co. already moved their base production to China or Vietnam almost already for 20 years now (Vietnam just 10 years). The question is: is their production really exclusive anymore like they made TOMICA DANDY and black box or Tomy red?

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